
Source : The Official Maksim Facebook





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Source : The Official Maksim Facebook


 Some photos from Maksim's concert in Zadar-01.jpg

Some photos from Maksim's concert in Zadar-02.jpg Some photos from Maksim's concert in Zadar-03.jpg Some photos from Maksim's concert in Zadar-04.jpg Some photos from Maksim's concert in Zadar-05.jpg




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Source:The Official Maksim Facebook


Maksim Concert in Arena Pula-01

Maksim Concert in Arena Pula-02 Maksim Concert in Arena Pula-03 Maksim Concert in Arena Pula-04 Maksim Concert in Arena Pula-05   




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Source : The Official Maksim Facebook


Rehearsing for the show in Arena Pula-01

Rehearsing for the show in Arena Pula-02




MaksimMrvica 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Source : The Official Maksim Facebook



Two more days to go!Tickets available at www.eventim.hr

Posted by Maksim on Sunday, 3 August 2014




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Source : The Official Maksim Facebook



Hi guys. Here is the video I came across. It was done by my Chinese promotor Wang Zhe and it is about my last China tour. I think he did a great job. Hope you like it.

Posted by Maksim on Saturday, 2 August 2014





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Source : The Official Maksim Facebook


Here is the article about Maksim's recent show in Macedonia.


Link to

Vele Mitanoski, doajen makedonskog novinarstva za TRIS iz Ohrida: ‘Ovacije za pijanističko čudo iz Šibenika’





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Source : The Official Maksim Facebook







MaksimMrvica 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Source : The Official Maksim Facebook






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Source : The Official Maksim Facebook







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