Source: CROWN - Croatian World Network 2010.01.06 
            By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic  
The article for this Maksim Mrvica Fan Blog is kind of different from the original.  
版主視情況需要,調整原文編排格式,並加入其他文字訊息,故與原文有些微差異。 Vladimir Krpan- professor at the Academy of Music in Zagreb.jpg 
Maestro Vladimir Krpan, professor at the Academy of Music in Zagreb 
任教於Zagreb音樂學院的音樂大師Vladimir Krpan

Students of maestro Vladimir Krpan improvising on the well known tune "Happy Birthday to You", among them  Maksim Mrvica, Martina Filjak, in honour to their beloved professor, in Croatian Music Hall (Hrvatski glazbeni zavod) in Zagreb. Professor Krpan was born on January 11 1938.

音樂大師 Vladimir Krpan 的學生包括 Maksim Mrvica (邁可森)、Martina Filjak 等人,在 Zagreb 的克羅埃西亞音樂廳即興演奏耳熟能詳的旋律"Happy Birthday to You",向他們鍾愛的教授 Vladimir Krpan 致敬。Vladimir Krpan 教授出生於西元1938年1月11日。

"Happy Birthday to You" was played by Martina Filjak, Maksim Mrvica, and others. Here is the video.

由Martina Filjak、Maksim Mrvica (邁可森)和其他人共同演奏"Happy Birthday to You"。以下為演奏畫面。

scaldarovic — 西元2008年02月03日 — Vladimir Krpan's 70th birthday celebration. The concert took place in Zagreb, Croatia, January 11th 2008. 
影片由 scaldarovic 上傳分享 ─ 西元2008年1月11日在克羅埃西亞的 Zagreb 為 Vladimir Krpan 70歲賀壽舉辦的音樂會。
Maestro Vladimir Krpan

Maestro Vladimir Krpan has collaborated with many distinguished conductors and has had appearances in all the major music centres in Croatia and Europe as well as in the USA, Russia, countries of the Near and Far East, Iran, India, North and South Korea, Turkey and Thailand.

音樂大師 Vladimir Krpan 曾和許多傑出的指揮家合作,並且在克羅埃西亞、歐洲至美國、俄羅斯、近東和遠東地區的國家─ 伊朗、印度、南北韓、土耳其和泰國等國的重要音樂場合現身演出。

Vladimir Krpan plays Chopin Nocturne No. 20 in C-sharp minor, Concert at Mimara Museum, Zagreb, Croatia, December 8, 2009. Here is the video.

2009年12月8日,Vladimir Krpan 在克羅埃西亞Zagreb城市的 Mimara Museum 舉辦音樂會,以下為演奏 Chopin Nocturne No. 20 in C-sharp minor 的畫面。

MyFullHD — 西元2009年12月09日 — Vladimir Krpan plays Chopin Nocturne No. 20 in C-sharp minor 
影片由 MyFullHD 上傳分享 ─ Vladimir Krpan 演奏 Chopin Nocturne No. 20 in C-sharp minor。
Formated for CROWN by
prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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    Croatian Pianist Maksim Mrvica 邁可森 鋼琴玩家

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